[caption id="attachment_448" align="aligncenter" width="460" caption="(A Capture of) The Main Page of the Site in Question"]
I was referred to this website a while ago: Bible.ca...
Apparently, it’s operated by the so-called ‘Churches of Christ’ (19th century Restorationist movement of Alexander Campbell and Barton Stone). They are basically just another sect of ‘Sola Scriptura’ Protestants who claim to follow the Bible only... Any other extra-Biblical traditions (aside from their own of course) are derided, and the authority of the Church from whence the Bible came is expressly denied.
Anyhow, there’s a page on that site: ... Irrefutable Questions That Roman Catholics and Orthodox Can’t Answer... On that page there are 29 questions.
Some of them are (to me at least) virtually unintelligible... but here for your perusal are the questions followed by my answers (to most of them anyway)...