Monday, August 30, 2010

Kosher? Does That Cost Extra?

I was in the kitchen the other day making myself some toast when I noticed what I knew to be a big 'Jewish' Kosher symbol (one of many variations) on my peanut butter.

So I then commenced to look at the other products in the cupboard... Here's what I saw, from left to right continuing onto the top of the fridge and the parchment paper:

(Note - these photos were not staged... This is a literal snapshot of the foodstuffs in the kitchen of my home.)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

A Conversation With A Protestant...

Here's a quote from a website I visited:
"The Gospel-

Sound complicated? It’s not, really. It is simply a matter of believing that Jesus is God’s only begotten Son, and that He came to Earth, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died to remove your sin — that original sin you inherited from Adam — then rose again on the third day to assure your future resurrection.

Here is what it takes to be “born again.” It is as simple as ABC:

A – Admit you are a sinner.

B – Believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died and rose again to give you eternal life.

C – Call upon Him in prayer and ask for salvation."


So... I ask you - is that  the true Gospel? Or is it a lie invented in the 16th century which only serves to fool people and keep them from the knowledge of the truth and the salvation found in His Church?

What is the Orthodox Faith?... On what does the Orthodox Church Base its Beliefs?

We believe in accepting and obeying the whole Apostolic Tradition, both what the Apostles taught the Church in person and what they taught through their writings. Since it was the Spirit of Truth Who inspired the Apostles both when they were speaking and when they were writing, no conflict is found between what they wrote to the Church and what they taught Her in person. In as much as the Holy Spirit has not ceased to be present in the Church since Her creation by the Lord, we also follow what the self-same Spirit of Truth has taught us through those faithful and holy men among the disciples of the Apostles and the disciples of the disciples of the Apostles, on down to the present time. Because the Spirit of Truth has guided them as He guided the Apostles, it is not possible to find, nor is there anything at variance with any part of Apostolic Tradition in what they have taught. We do not believe in the so-called 'development of dogma'. The whole teaching of the God-inspired Apostles and their faithful successors we call Holy Tradition, as being the sacred commandment of the Lord given to the Church through His servants. If anything is preached contrary to the Holy and Apostolic Tradition, it is to be rejected as 'another Gospel'. "Brethren, be standing firm and holding fast the traditions which ye were taught, whether by word or by our epistle." [II Thessalonians, 2:15].

What do the Orthodox Believe about God?