- What's that on your head Harper? Is that a doily?
The goals of ANTI-ZIONIST CANADA are:
1. To document, expose and eliminate all forms of Zionist infiltration and influence in Canada with an emphasis on every level of Government, the Judiciary, the Mainstream Media, Academia, Corporations, Banking and Cultural Institutions.
2. To restore faith, honour and integrity in the Rule Of Law.
3. To liaise, support and assist allied individuals, groups and coalitions within Canada also involved in similar goals.
4. To work for and lobby for the elimination of sec. 13 from the Canadian Human Rights Act and insure that Freedom of Expression in Canada remains sacrosanct and guaranteed under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
5. To foster and build a Canada-wide Peoples’ Network as an effective, independent watchdog to observe in a vigilant manner ‘public’ and ‘political’ party policies and programs to insure that the racist, supremacist Zionist agenda now being promulgated by federal pro-Zionist parties such as the Conservative Party of Canada and extremist Jewish Lobby groups within Canada such as B’nai Brith Canada, the Canadian Jewish Congress and the Simon Wiesenthal Centre is exposed, halted and eliminated from Canadian politics.
6. To expand and to share these goals with other nations globally who are also experiencing similar problems with Zionist infiltration and control of their governments and Institutions and Media.
7. To ensure that the Internet remains absolutely free in Canada for the use of every Canadian to express their opinions and beliefs.
Group home page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Anti-ZionistCanada
Group email address: Anti-ZionistCanada@yahoogroups.com
From: What Do You Believe?