- What's that on your head Harper? Is that a doily?
The goals of ANTI-ZIONIST CANADA are:
1. To document, expose and eliminate all forms of Zionist infiltration and influence in Canada with an emphasis on every level of Government, the Judiciary, the Mainstream Media, Academia, Corporations, Banking and Cultural Institutions.
2. To restore faith, honour and integrity in the Rule Of Law.
3. To liaise, support and assist allied individuals, groups and coalitions within Canada also involved in similar goals.
4. To work for and lobby for the elimination of sec. 13 from the Canadian Human Rights Act and insure that Freedom of Expression in Canada remains sacrosanct and guaranteed under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
5. To foster and build a Canada-wide Peoples’ Network as an effective, independent watchdog to observe in a vigilant manner ‘public’ and ‘political’ party policies and programs to insure that the racist, supremacist Zionist agenda now being promulgated by federal pro-Zionist parties such as the Conservative Party of Canada and extremist Jewish Lobby groups within Canada such as B’nai Brith Canada, the Canadian Jewish Congress and the Simon Wiesenthal Centre is exposed, halted and eliminated from Canadian politics.
6. To expand and to share these goals with other nations globally who are also experiencing similar problems with Zionist infiltration and control of their governments and Institutions and Media.
7. To ensure that the Internet remains absolutely free in Canada for the use of every Canadian to express their opinions and beliefs.
Group home page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Anti-ZionistCanada
Group email address: Anti-ZionistCanada@yahoogroups.com
From: What Do You Believe?
ReplyDeleteThanks, but I wouldn't join this because the "manifesto" contains this line: "federal pro-Zionist parties such as the Conservative Party of Canada".
All the major parties (all parties?) are pro-Zionist. I'm not interested in such partisanship, either in favour or in opposition to just one party. All the parties are Zionist. The removal of Harper would just mean the installation of the CFR's Ignatief or even (hard to imagine) the premiership of Jack Layton!
I just posted the info about it, out of interest, but always thought it was strange that they only mention the Conservatives.
Good luck to you if you think being part of that can somehow change things. Perhaps if you suggested they change their charter to make it non-partisan, then you'd see how truly anti-Zionist they are, or are they just anti-Conservative?
+ + +
For a laugh, just imagine what would happen if you tried to start a party or group in Canada called "The Anti-Jew Society", or the "Anti-Masonic Party."
I guess you'd have the RCMP or police in force at your first meeting, to break things up and drag you away...
The whole point of having a blog is to say exactly what you think; promote what you agree with and reject what you disagree with.
ReplyDeleteFor me, accepting an agenda saying that it opposes “pro-Zionist parties such as the Conservative Party" in the "understanding" that it must also be opposed to other Zionist parties is not in the cards.
I'm not interested in compromising, and why should I, or you?
Of course the Conservatives are the most openly pro-Zionist now -- they're the ones in power!
The Ottawa Protocol is being promoted now mostly by the Jew Cutler (Liberal) who isn't even in government.
What did the Liberals ever do in opposition to the Jew-State? I never heard of anything.
Besides, I'm not interested in Zionism per se. Zionism is just one aspect of Jewism. The other aspects of the Jew Agenda are even more promoted by the Liberals, Greens and NDP: Globalism, Infanticide, Queerism, etc. And they are even more opposed to free expression and Christianity.
Harper is a hypocrite in regards to the Jewman Rights Commissions and so on, but it was the Liberals who introduced all these "innovations" in the first place! And the NDP would have people patrolling he streets monitoring private conversations if they could.
It was the Liberals who went to war in Afghanistan and the Balkans. Why did Canada go to war in Afghanistan in the first place? "Article 5"? -- Then why didn't Canada fight Argentina when it invaded British territory? Why did Canada go to war against the Serbs, to support "Clinton's Jews" (in fact the opposite: The Jews' Clinton) and Muslim terrorists, twice!?
Come on. "pro-Zionist parties such as the Conservative Party" is a weasely phrase.
Have you joined that group? How about suggesting they just drop the "Conservative Party" from the agenda, and change it to "all pro-Zionist Canadian political parties"?
If that were not agreed to, then clearly they're partisan more than they're interested in opposing Zionism; which means it's either a scam, or run by very narrow-minded and unimaginative people.
+ + +
I have the same attitude towards all these anti-Christian bloggers and websites. I don't mean people who are not Christian, or who are confused about the Church, the Bible or history, etc., but people who are Anti-Christian, liars, blasphemers, and so on. I used to link to people who partly agreed with me, and just overlooked their anti-Christianity. No more. Anyone anti-Christian is, for me, intolerable.
The Ugly-Veterans Cabal, Part 1:
"STM Ugly Glenn & STM JoKa Bulls-Eye Shaminski at it again"
The Ugly-Veterans Cabal, Part 2:
"Seriously! How dumb do you have to be to not see that (CIA/MI5/Mossad) Veteran’s Today is a Jew-scam!?“
Ha ha -- yes, sometimes I really lose my temper, but I never pretended to be a saint.
How do i join?
ReplyDeleteThe address is in the main body of the original post... right at the end.
Or - just click on the words "Check it out" in the comment directly above your own.
Pomp And Circumcision
Land of Hope and Glory!
Eretz Israel!
Wider still and wider,
shall thy bounds be set!
Let´s do Circumcision
with the bayonnett!
Let´s build kibbutzim
all over the place!
Lots of lovely barracks
and lots of barking dogs!
Searchlights and watchtowers
shows the Land is Ours!
Miles of barbed wire
set our harts on fire,
makes us feel at home!
We´r the choosen people!
God gave us missiles
to fullfill our goal
to take the drinking water
and fill our swimming pool!
War and Demolishon
is our Sacred Mission
in the Holy Land!
[Melody:Pomp And Circumstance by Edward Elgar]
Now why would I (or anyone for that matter) enjoy watching that Moshe?
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to that family is beyond horrible. I honestly can't believe that anyone could do that to innocent children.
Did you think really that I would condone such a thing or enjoy watching that?
Anyhow, who made the video... you? The video declares the culprits were "Two Palestinian Terrorists" which committed the crime. Not even an 'allegedly' thrown in there.
Is the maker of this video a forensic detective, prosecutor, judge and jury all in one?
Not to defame the memory of the dead, and I don't know the truth yet... but I recall reading a story about this that stated that the perpetrator had been one Asian man who had worked for Mr. Fogel.
The article said that the Asian (note: not Palestinian) man was known to have threatened Udi Fogel (the 'settler') and his family numerous times because Fogel owed him 10,000 shekels in unpaid wages. It said that Mr. Fogel had refused to pay the man.
Now I'm not saying that this justifies anything if it was the case (God does not rejoice in death and neither do I)... but it is a far cry different than the story the video puts forth without reference or substantiation.
Now you (and/or whoever made that video) are automatically assuming that these people were murdered primarily because they were 'Jewish'.
But what if that had naught to do w/ it? What if it was just about money?
People of all stripes unfortunately are murdered for money or any other number of reasons aside from racism or religious discrimination. Every day.
Please provide proof that the culprits were "Two Palestinian Terrorists".
A Follow-Up For Moshe...
ReplyDelete~~~ ~~~ ~~~
NABLUS, An Asian worker is suspected of the murder of the Fogel family, a settler family from Itamar settlement near the northern West Bank city of Nablus, according to Palestinian press sources.
Quds Net news quoted local residents from the area that he was infuriated with an Israeli settler for not paying him his wages carried out the killing of the settler’s family in Itamar, Palestinian press sources reported.
Quds Net news agency on Monday quoted a Palestinian family from Awarta village next to the settlement as saying that Mr. Fogel refused to pay 10,000 shekels in wages which he owed an Asian worker he hired. The worker threatened to kill the settler and his family.
The worker is suspected of committing the crime after midnight Friday using a knife then fleeing the scene to nearby Palestinian villages, the report added.
It noted that the Israeli army knows of the information leading to the suspect but refuse to announce or deal with it for political as well as security reasons.
Meanwhile, de facto Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas condemned the murder crime in the strongest words, describing it as “despicable”.
Speaking at an interview with radio Israel on Monday, Abbas pledged to extend all necessary assistance leading to unveiling the mystery of the crime, adding that he relayed this position to Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu in a telephone conversation on Saturday shortly after the crime was reported.
He also invited Israel and the USA to discuss with his authority in Ramallah the curriculums being studied in Palestinian schools in the West Bank to make sure that they do not contain any “incitement”.
Abbas, however, failed to mention the Israeli settlers’ unruly behavior and the army’s collective punishment against Palestinian in Nablus villages following the crime despite the fact that no concrete evidence was found incriminating any Palestinian party in the act.
From http://desertpeace.wordpress.com/2011/03/15/suspect-in-settlement-murders-not-a-palestinian-army-silent-on-this/
It appears that Obama is pushing ahead with the Zionist Imperialist agenda; Syria has long been on the menu and the timing of Obama's attack on Syria is is critical with the vote for a Palestinian state at the UN coming soon. And now, with Israel again under an "existential threat" from indigenous resistance, it is critical we continue to spread the word of the long time Zionist "War on (of) Terror".
ReplyDeleteWith that it is no surprise that Israel allowed a terrorist warning to go unheeded - indeed the 'terrorists' appeared to come from the Sinai. Naturally Israel is only looking for an excuse to murder more Palestinians in the quest to steal their entire homeland.
Can I suggest a great read? "Criminal State" website - hosted by former council to the U.S Senate - Jeff Gates (I'm sure many readers have seen this already). Absolutely crucial work accomplished by this man. "Guilt by Association" - a must read for all true Christians (and Muslims, anti-Zionist Jews, etc for that matter) and true Patriots.