Sunday, September 4, 2011

Is Gordon Duff a Jewish Disinformation Agent?

A Jewish Agent? Mossad? Sayanim? Or Just Ignorant?

Gordon Duff (of the website Veterans Today) posted a video of himself on the Iranian Talmudvision news program Press TV where he speaks about 9/11... on THIS page.

In the video, he tries to convince the audience that it was in fact not a plane which crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11. It was rather, he tells us breathlessly, a cruise missile of some kind (or something).

He references a video (supposedly "leaked") which shows from above a small whitish object appearing to collide with the Pentagon. The explosion in this video doesn't even begin to resemble the massive fireball which resulted from the plane crash that day. It has other serious problems as well...
Yeah... That Looks Real... Look! The Jew that made this video on his computer even left his cursor right in the middle of the video! Ha

  1. The 'object' comes in relevant to the Pentagon at the wrong angle.
  2. The object comes from entirely the wrong direction.
  3. The object hits the Pentagon in completely the wrong location.

Not to mention the fact that you can tell it's just CGI and poorly done CGI at that.

Here's the video though - if any of you want a laugh:

This in not the first time I've seen Duff (I have to assume) deliberately misleading his readership, and the readership of Veterans Today.

He lost all credibility (in my opinion) when he tried to convince us that Rupert Murdoch is actually an Israeli. Not a Jew... an Israeli. He makes this distinction and he tries to apply it to the 'Jewish state' rather than the 'Jewish people.'

I made a comment on his Veterans Today page asking if Gordon Duff had just 'Jumped the Shark'.

He did the exact same thing when he wrote about the so-called 'American Al-Qaeda' Adam Gadahn... whose real name is Adam Pearlman. Pearlman is the grandson of some Anti Defamation League (ADL) bigwig, and he spends his time pretending to be a scary Muslim (and this is something that Jews often do - meaning pretending to belong to one group or another in order to further their own agendas).

Duff put the 'Fake Al-Qaeda Actors Exposed' YouTube video up on his site... but only so he could seed the lie that Adam 'Gadahn' Pearlman is an "Israeli". He does this, quite transparently to my eyes, in order to take blame off of the 'Jews' and put it onto
the Jewish state.

Anyway, of course I had to leave a comment... and so I did. Here's what I wrote:

Gordon Duff, you are a baldfaced liar.Why do you people listen to this guy? His job is to lead 9/11 truth into the gutter.

His purpose is to lead you into idiocy… and you’re following him!

Are these comments even real? I think they too are manufactured (just like Duff’s ‘inside information’)… Quite probably these are just a bunch of Cass Sunstein’s sockpuppets.

You and Cass and all your boys are doing a real number on us aren’t you Duff?

That was perhaps a little harsh, I know... but I'm so tired of this nonsense! And dollars to donuts says Duff knows better.

For those who don't know who Cass Sunstein is, the following is a quote from Salon:

Cass Sunstein has long been one of Barack Obama's closest confidants.  Often mentioned as a likely Obama nominee to the Supreme Court, Sunstein is currently Obama's head of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs where, among other things, he is responsible for "overseeing policies relating to privacy, information quality, and statistical programs."

In 2008, while at Harvard Law School, Sunstein co-wrote a truly pernicious paper proposing that the U.S. Government employ teams of covert agents and pseudo-'independent' advocates to "cognitively infiltrate" online groups and websites -- as well as other activist groups -- which advocate views that Sunstein deems "false conspiracy theories" about the Government.

This would be designed to increase citizens' faith in government officials and undermine the credibility of conspiracists.  The paper's abstract can be read, and the full paper downloaded, here.

Sunstein advocates that the Government's stealth infiltration should be accomplished by sending covert agents into "chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups."

He also proposes that the Government make secret payments to so-called "independent" credible voices to bolster the Government's messaging (on the ground that those who don't believe government sources will be more inclined to listen to those who appear independent while secretly acting on behalf of the Government).

This program would target those advocating false "conspiracy theories," which they define to mean: "an attempt to explain an event or practice by reference to the machinations of powerful people, who have also managed to conceal their role."

Anyhow, Duff (or his moderator) published my comment, which surprised me a little, but I guess he probably wants to avoid too much blatant censorship because ultimately, it will destroy his credibility.

Mostly because people like myself will feel compelled to write little pieces like this one, informing others of Duff's seemingly inexplicable actions.

So as I said, he published my comment but he did not reply. Others replied in his stead though:
  • penlope
    September 2, 2011 - 3:49 am

    That I read not the first time, many are against this writings of Gordon Duff.. The truthers are strict against it. How can you find the truth out? Maybe it is easy…maybe. I do not know.

  • Jim W. Dean
    September 2, 2011 - 6:51 am

    Wallace, I took this serious matter before the board, and here is what we would like to do. We need, of course, to waterboard Gordon to get to the bottom of these serious allegations. But in fairness to Gordon, we feel we need to waterboard you to….as proof of no bias on our part.

    So as to not drag the process out we can do both of you at the same time, video, post it on the site…where we think it would be a block buster and send our google ranking through the roof. You, of course, woud be reimbursed for meals and lodging, which is not very much when you are being waterboarded.

    But we will get to the bottom of this I can assure you.

  • SEPT 11 2001 TREASON
    September 2, 2011 - 7:48 am

    Cass Sunstein’s sockpuppets !!,
    summer intern with Cass Sunstein kind of not really fulfilling, eh ?

    yeah , Wallace you have convinced us all,mission accomplished ,
    maybe a guilty conscience Wallace ?
    Confess your sins and treason to the Scientology cult on Foxfalsestuffnewz

  • dirt
    September 2, 2011 - 1:06 pm

    Uh huh Wallace, and what is your position? Just what is your idea behind what transpired at the pentagon, or anywhere? Please enlighten us, seriously! I want to hear anything other than an attack on people actually working for answers, cmon son? Got anything. Nah? Thought as much…

Had to reply again if they'd let me, so I did, and it too passed moderation:

A solitary view of the video in question is enough to know that it it a manufactured fake; it’s CGI and low quality CGI at that.

The video also shows a still of a hole in the pentagon, trying to get you to believe that the hole is the entry hole made by the plane. This is sheer dishonesty because the image is of the EXIT hole in the back wall (likely made by one of the jet engines), NOT the entry hole.

The entry hole (being of course on the EXTERIOR wall of the Pentagon, and a cursory examination of the video will demonstrate that the image is NOT of the exterior wall) was approximately 100′ (one hundred feet) across. Why don’t these ‘No-Planers’ show you the photos of the ENTRY hole? Because they’re lying to you… and you all seem to be eating it up like candy!

I know you’re hungry for truth but I’m telling you you’ve got to dig deeper… Don’t expect to be spoonfed your information by Duff or anyone else. The truth is out there but you must LOOK for it.

Someone (Dirt) asked me what my position is; what I think happened at the Pentagon and elsewhere that day…

A short summary would be:

Four planes were hijacked electronically (remote control). There were no physical hijackers. No Arabs w/ boxcutters.

The ‘Arabs’ were Israeli Jews (davdovan; fake Arabs) parading themselves around, getting noticed; drawing attention to themselves, under assumed identities, using forged/stolen passports (as is their well known modus operandi) and leaving behind Korans and business cards meant to be found, IE: SEEDED ‘evidence’.

Two of those planes (real commercial passenger planes with real people on board) were flown into the Twin Towers, one was flown into the Pentagon… the last one either was crashed (purposely) or was shot down (against orders?) in Shanksville.

The Twin Towers and the Salomon Brothersbuilding (WTC #7) were brought down by controlled demolition using nano-thermite (and probably thermate and conventional explosives as well). I think there were likely truck-bombs in the basements of the Twins also. Israelis were caught in trucks full of explosives that day, also pretending to be Arabs.

The van that the ‘Dancing Israelis’ were arrested in tested positive for traces of explosives, and it seems there was also another truck (a cube van with a mural painted on the side of a plane diving into New York City) which actually exploded when the Israelis driving it jumped out and ran away when police pulled them over.

Stories about ‘cruise missiles’ hitting the Pentagon and imaginary ‘directed energy’ space-beams and ‘mini-nukes’ taking down the towers only serve to divert attention and blame AWAY from the Jews, the Israelis and their Goyishe stooges which actually perpetrated these horrors upon the world.

To see pictures of the 100′ hole in the OUTSIDE wall of the Pentagon, visit:

This time Gordon Duff did offer a short reply to me, then a longer indirect answer to someone else. To me he wrote:

I think the video was shot from a UAV.
circa 2001 quality.

Addressed to someone else, but still relevant to my comment:

Why would an aluminum airliner leave an exit hole when there is NO evidence of anything exiting from the exit hole?
You keep talking about an “exit hole”
What exited?
Any ideas?
Perhaps a hardened missile?
No plane parts were found as having “exited”
Then again, we have “entrance holes.
Find any wings?
Passenger bodies?
Coke cans?
Ceramic and titanium engine parts?

I tried to leave another reply to counter his latest... tried for a couple of days now but they refuse to post it.

So, I'll do the only thing I can do and post it here:

First allow me to apologize for calling you a liar... For all I know you may be simply ignorant.

Did you look at the links in my last post? Did you look at the 100' (one hundred foot) hole in the EXTERIOR of the Pentagon?

The hole you are looking at is in an INTERIOR wall. It is the exit hole made by... Oh, I don't know - how about one of the jet engines Gordon?

As for plane parts... You must not have done very much 9/11 research at all if you couldn't find any pictures of plane parts at the Pentagon! Here are a whole bunch, all nicely gathered on one page for you:

Evidence That A Boeing 757 Really Did Impact the Pentagon on 9/11

Now that I've gotten that off my chest... I am going to proceed to demonstrate visually that what Duff is saying is pure BS; disinformation.

And now that he's actively censoring my attempts to set the record straight, I can say with confidence that he is not merely ignorant. He is doing this on purpose in order to deceive.

Since he's Jewish himself (and because the Jews are behind 9/11) I must assume that he is tasked to run cover for them. As I've already intimated, perhaps he works for Cass Sunstein himself! His appearance at Veterans Today is certainly chronologically coincidental.

Evidence that a plane hit the Pentagon:

(For all images, click for full size...)

This is a photo of the EXIT hole, which people like the Jew liar Duff and the Jew liars of 'Loose Change' represent as the entry hole, so they can then say that it isn't big enough for a 757 to fit through... Notice the wheel rim behind the man

The funny part is - there is plane debris (with its distinctive green color) right there in front of the hole!

Here's a shot after some cleanup has been done... You can see that it's a straight shot through from the E-ring to the C-ring... I wonder why it's labeled 'PunchOUT'?

Here, from above is the directional path of the plane and the true location of the exit hole (which folks like Duff misrepresent as the entry hole...)
A floor plan view of the path of damage, visually demonstrating the 100' ENTRY hole in the E-ring at the top of the image and the 20' EXIT hole through the C-ring into AE drive at the bottom.

What's that? A piece of plane on the lawn?

Could it be?

It is.

A piece of an engine inside of the Pentagon... A jumbo jet engine

... And another

Hydraulics... Appears to be a section of landing gear

A wheel rim, just like those found on a Boeing 757
As can be seen in this photo

It's part of a cruise missile, I tells ya!

I wonder what all that debris on the ground outside of the Pentagon is? It couldn't be a plane, could it?

So who is it out there in internetland that tries to say that the little hole punched through the back wall of the C-ring in the first four pictures above is the entry hole?

  • Thierry Meyssan:
    'impact hole was 15-17 feet wide.'
  • In Plane Site :
    "... the only hole is approximately 16 feet in diameter."
  • Loose Change, 2nd Edition :
    "The only damage to the outer wall is a single hole, no more than sixteen feet in diameter."
  • James Fetzer (
    "The initial point of impact ... was only about 10' high and 16-17' wide, about the size of the double-doors on a mansion."

James Fetzer we've heard of before here... I think we can safely say that they are doing this on purpose. And guess who's now become a big promoter and fan of James Fetzer's?

That's right... Gordon Duff.

So... does this look like a < 20' hole to you? (Click images to see full-size)

(Click on image for a full-size animation) The small picture is the one the 'No-Planers' show you... The big picture in the background is how large the hole ACTUALLY was.

I wonder why they chose the one where the spray-foam is completely covering the hole?
Nice try there Duff... You and Fetzer and the rest of the liars can try all you like. The truth will out.

EDIT: Someone found the source video from which this fake was made... The example on the left is the original footage (no 'missile') while the example on the right is the video that the Jewish disinformationist Gordon 'Fonzi' Duff is now promoting:

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