Saturday, March 31, 2012

9/11 Emergency Dispatch Radio - 'The Exploding Mural Van' Source Audio

The site seems to have gone down in 2009...

With the help of the Wayback Machine... I was able to resurrect the site shown in the image above.

It was a website for the 'North Brunswick Volunteer Fire/Ladder Company #3'...

It had contained links to recordings of emergency dispatch radio transmissions from September 11th, 2001. I never expected the audio files would still be downloadable, since the site itself was no longer in existence... but surprisingly the links yet worked so I'm going to make them available here now.

I encourage everyone to listen to them all, in honor of those who were murdered that day; those who gave their lives selflessly... all innocents, all undeserving of the terrible deaths they were dealt by traitorous 'friends' & supposed 'allies' of ours.

Please think of all those people who were lost that day... and please pray for them; for their souls, and for those who ended their lives prematurely to be first discovered fully and then brought to justice for their murderous misdeeds.

I'll reproduce the entire page, as it was, here now (with the only change being I've inserted audio players)... Right click links, save as to download.

These are tapes of radio transmissions between police officers and firefighters and their dispatchers at the scene of the World Trade Center attacks on Sept. 11. The tapes cover the period just before the first tower collapse at 10 a.m. through the second collapse and the chaotic aftermath. The first set are excerpts, the second the tapes in their entirety.

Planes have crashed into both towers and the tape picks up minutes before the
collapse of the first tower, includes the collapse of the first tower and the response
immediately after the collapse. (15 minutes)

After the first tower collapse, there were reports of people stranded in the subways under the
World Trade Center. (4 minutes)

Just as some officers are accounted for after the first collapse, the second tower collapses.
(9 minutes)

As calls come in from people, officers and firefighters trapped, emergency services workers
try to keep them calm as they pinpoint locations. Tape includes call for help from Capt.
Fuentes who was pulled alive from the wreckage. (9 minutes)

Units of officers and firefighters set up command posts around the area but staying in contact
proves difficult. (17 minutes)

The page address had been:

These recordings from that horrid day are the source of the audio used in the following video regarding the '9/11 Exploding Mural Van' (with the van being mentioned in Tape 10 specifically)...

A van that surely was driven by some of the Israelis ("Ethnic Middle-Eastern people" as the MTI Report cryptically describes them), who were subsequently and quietly deported back to the Jewish state because if it had been Arabs/Muslims - we would most certainly still be hearing about this:

If anyone knows the ultimate original source (other than North Brunswick #3) for this series of police/fire dispatch radio recordings, please let me know in the comments section below.

Also see: Deeper Shades of Mossad

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